I've seen plenty of players with huge egos that are terribad wow gold players.
I've seen plenty of players with huge egos that are terribad wow gold players, and are obviously wandering around in welfare epics. If they do happen to be excellent players it makes it difficult to decide if you want to play with them or not. While you want good players, and would rather not play with people who are unskilled no one wants to play with someone who is constantly explaining why they are super awesome and you're not.After the raid these players would all head to Org where they would stand on the bank and congratulate themselves on being kings of the universe. You could almost see their toons chests puffing out as they strutted around. I can't say that I disliked them all, some had a certain appeal and I would call them friends without hesitation. However despite being friends it was still apparent that they loved to stroke their own e-peen.Thankfully in my new guild there are no huge egos, and very little e-peen stroking except in jest.However they are still out there, on my server, and on yours, and they could become a part of your guild at anytime. Causing some laughs, some anger, but mostly eye rolling.Lets cover the obvious first: Priests will be getting reverse Death Grip! What Priest wouldn't be excited at the possibility of 'Death Gripping' friendly players to them as they see fit. This is far and away the coolest of the new abilities announced so far. The potential applications for this in PvE and PvP are limitless. Someone in your raid standing in fire?