There is nothing more annoying then getting resurrected and getting killed
Magical Aura - less useful than previous one, but helps with some stronger monster, like Tyrants/Mammoths/Behemoths/Astarots, it is also said that it improves chances of resisting debuffs from ghosts/other players. 1 level is enough WOW Power Leveling, since normal DEF *also* reduces damage from spells (even though it sounds stupid)
Evasion Aura - that skill would be good if it didn't have such horrible prerequisite. AVO bonus it gives is not really enough to let low DEX character avoids much; it mostly helps them against blue/green monsters. For hawkers, it could help more.
Resurrection - ideally, no one should die, but, as we all know, "sh7t" or, in most cases, triple cast from mammoths, happens. If you want to get it, get at least level 2, since it doesn't recover any EXP on level 1. Also, DO NOT CAST IT NEAR AOE USING MOBS.
Ask other party members to draw it away or do it yourself with Blessing Armor. There is nothing more annoying then getting resurrected and getting killed again by AOE before you could heal.
Fully buffed summon is sometimes stronger than you, has more hp, and doesn't cost any SP, unlike Phantoms (which miss just about everything on later levels) or Elemental.