WOW GOLD players will continue to change talent effects.
This will make Lava Burst too good on paper, but it might work out okay in the game itself.Our recruiting team will be there, too, so if you're interested in a career at Blizzard Entertainment, bring along your resume, demo reel, art portfolio, or business card.Following we will have a look at the relating news which may be helpful for you as for the improvements in the newest build.Furthermore, don't expect us to be ripping up every other talent tree in the game at this stage.WOW GOLD players will continue to change talent effects before Lich King ships, but don't expect a lot more massive rejuggling of the trees themselves. The dual-spec feature will shine more light on talent design and we'll have a better idea of what we want to do with trees when that goes live. Some talent trees are nice and lean, and some probably have some points we could trim here and there.Champion of the Naaru Title not obtainable anymore in 3.0.2.Whenever the next patch is released, this is true. Same with obtaining the Amani War Bear and the title Hand of A'dal.Housing, surnames, and roleplay support.We've stated before that player housing is a consideration for some point in the future, but it would need to be thought out carefully and would want to maximize their usefullness. As always, suggestions are welcome in the Suggestion Forum.Surnames are another thing we've said are a possibility at some point in time.