WOW Gold: This is the list of different versions of the game and their hosts
Fiesta Versions: Fiesta is an international game published in Korea by WOW Gold Ons on Soft – this is the list of different versions of the game (sometimes under different names) and their hosts.
Character Classes: There are 4 main classes in Fiesta - each undergoes an upgrade at levels 20 and 60 (with a possible class branch system implemented in the future). The player picks the class from the start of the game. Currently available are:
Archer –> Hawk Archer –> Scout: One of two ranged classes in the game – this class uses bows and crossbows as their weapons. Currently the focus of being underbalanced.
Cleric –> High Cleric –> Paladin: One of two melee classes in the game – this class uses maces and hammers as their weapons. This class is the primary healing and buffing class.
Mage –> WizMage –>Enchanter: One of two ranged classes in the game – this class uses staffs and wands as their weapons. Currently the focus of being overbalanced.
Fighter –> Clever Fighter –> Warrior: One of two melee classes in the game – this class uses one/two hand swords and axes as their weapons. This class is the primary tank class.