WOW Gold:As a holy pallidan, in cataclysm i wasnt healing as good.
As a holy pallidan, in cataclysm i wasnt healing as good. at first, mastery was useless and beacon was nerfed. Now in 4.2 our mastery is slightly less useless. holy pallidans rarely heal the tank directly. we put up beacon and heal the dps. now that mastery stacks up since 4.2, the sheild can be much much bigger. but if we never use our spells on the tank directly, the mastery will never get to the tank. the dps we heal will get our mastery buff but they dont get hit as often or as hard as the tank does. the tank should be the one who gets our shield but they cant if we dont heal them. bliz should have our mastery buff tranfer to our beaconed target.
they should also reduce cast time of all healing classes efficient heal. it is efficient, but it does not heal much. my only good heals are holy shock and world of glory. flash of light does a lot but it is for emergencies. i remember when all i had to do to heal was spam flash of light and holy shock. pallys should get a better aoe spell that we can chose the area to affect it with. the only time our aoe spell is good is when we are close to the party members which is no good when everyone is spread out and you want to heal the whole party. i dont know what cata raid healing is like because i am not able to get in them because i have no experience due to me not having gear when they were the top raids.