WOW Power Leveling: It is easily accessed though so this is less of a hindrance
Monsters-Minosrous, Mummies, Ghouls, Verits. About the best place to level as a battle priest solo, more monsters then sphinx 4, but not really party worthy still. You can get a ton of WOW Power Leveling exp and loot here.
Update - No longer a self-sufficient leveling spot as it once was due to the fact you have to move... great exp, but prepared for downtime, it's easily accessed though so this is less of a hindrance.
Loot-B+ Plenty of bots, and a looting monster, verits, that will be like pinata~ of good things, complement the already good drops.
Weapons to bring - Aspersio weapon, (3x boned being an obvious choice), brutal buckler
Monsters - Isis, Mummies, Ghouls, Martyrs. A good soloing area if you have the weaponry, otherwise you can do better and osi spawning on you is equivalent to death!
Weapons to bring-Ice, tri clamorous/evenom, ancient sword mace, brutal buckler, cranial buckler
Monsters - Minorous, Sidewinders, Marduks, Mimics. Not very mobby, but still very dangerous, Sidewinders will hit you often, and a mob of minos will ruin your day.
Very good exp if you can hang, but not the easiest around, the density also is not big enough for a cooperative party.