WOW Gold:Currently we have active daily quest hubs of at least Molten Front
Considering how Blizzard keeps adding new daily quests every patch or two, the daily questing limit has become an artificial roadblock to character progression.
Currently we have active daily quest hubs of at least Molten Front, Tol Barad, Therazane.. as well as cooking daily(s) , fishing daily(s), JC daily(s).. not to mention any daily hubs from previous expansions ( like hodir or argent tourney )
If the limit was placed as a way to limit how much gold you can make then it fails miserably - If someone really wants to spam dailies they can easily roll a few alts for gold.
At the present time I believe that the daily limit cap serves no real purpose except articially hampering the ability of players to focus on the achievements / progression of ONE character.
I believe it is time to remove the daily limit - or at least significantly increase it ( say to 50 ).
Would appreciate a blue's thoughts on the matter.